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What is Lorem Ipsum?

Lorem Ipsum is simply placeholder text utilized in the printing and typesetting sector. It has served as the industry’s standard filler text since the 1500s, when an anonymous printer created a scrambled collection of type to produce a type specimen book. This text has not only endured five centuries but has also transitioned seamlessly into the realm of electronic typesetting, remaining virtually unchanged. Its popularity surged in the 1960s due to the launch of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum excerpts, and more recently, with desktop publishing programs such as Aldus PageMaker that incorporate various iterations of Lorem Ipsum.

Why do we use it?

It is a well-established fact that a reader may become sidetracked by the legible content of a page while examining its layout. The purpose of employing Lorem Ipsum is that it has a fairly natural distribution of letters, unlike the phrase ‘Content here, content here’, which may appear as unreadable English. Numerous desktop publishing solutions and web page editors currently adopt Lorem Ipsum as their standard placeholder text. A search for ‘lorem ipsum’ reveals many websites still in the early stages of development. Various adaptations have emerged over the years, sometimes through chance, other times intentionally, incorporating humorous elements and similar touches.

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